As we find ourselves on the back side of the holidays, many of us may be experiencing the need to pull back and heal a bit. My colleague Martha describes it as the contraction after expansion. It can also be the opposite after a low period where we find the need to expand after we go through a contraction or hibernation period.
After being somewhat laid up throughout December with non serious health issues, I’m feeling the need to focus on my health going into the New Year. Each year I choose a new word to capture the theme that I want to focus on daily. This last month brought to light the importance of my health as I get older made my 2025 word a no brainer for me. My word is HEALTH.
I encourage you to contemplate a word that describes your most important desire for 2025. Journal what will that word bring you personally. Here are some of my past words, (because I like to share) to help inspire thoughts in any direction; PAUSE. RE-INVENT. LEARN. ALIGNED. I keep this word on a white board in my office where I can see it daily. I also reflect on all the reasons why this word is important enough to me that I have made it my top priority.
Finding your word or setting goals is not an all or nothing thing. There is no perfection. Once you decide on something and go forward there can be days where we either stand still or go backwards. We are human, this happens to all of us. Re-focus and go forward as many times as it takes. Never give up on something you feel strongly about. Forward motion leads to the creation of a great habit or ritual and will get you the feelings you originally intended….and maybe more!
I found this beautiful piece that I will share on Healing. It was so timely and resonated with me on this late December day. I hope this ignites a spark inside you to see the beauty in the simple, everyday things that help us feel good, initiate gratitude and inspire deep desires.
Healing Yourself
Infuse healing energy into yourself, into your being. For too long, we’ve been attracted to things that drain us, exhausting our body, depleting our soul. That time has passed.
The world is a spa, a nature retreat, a wealth of healing resources. Pour Epsom salts and essential oils into your bath. Sit quietly by a tree or in a garden. Walk around the block in your neighborhood. Spend an afternoon in a nearby park or a day at the lake or beach. Throw stones into the river while you sit on the bank contemplating the eternal stream of life. Allow beautiful music to quietly imbue the stillness with healing instead of the pounding of your mind. Light a fire and awaken that darkened hearth to glowing flames and soothing warmth.
Rise from your bed early in the morning. Open the curtains. Watch the sunrise. Feel the sunrise. Let it infuse you with its message. Let it energize you, invigorate you, fill you with life. At day’s end return to the window or step outside. Watch the sun set. Absorb its changing colors spreading out beyond the horizon. Feel how it changes the earth and all it touches.
Pet a puppy, stroke a piece of velvet, listen to a symphony. If you can’t slow down long enough to absorb the energy the first time, do it a second time and a third. Absorb revitalizing energy until you can hear your voice, hear your heart tell you what would feel good, what would bring peace, what would bring stillness and joy. Before long, doing what brings healing and joy will become as natural as it used to be to do what drains, tires, depletes and exhausts.
Melody Beattie
Please drop me an email with your “Word” or comment on my levelupcoaching.ca post on facebook or instagram. Your word may inspire others in their pursuit and bring them to where they are to be!
I wish you the most amazing New Year!🌟🎉
May it bring you more joy, more love and success on your personal journey💜
With kindness and compassion
Michelle Nesbitt
TNM Certified Coach TIR Facilitator Reiki Practitioner